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Course description

This qualification reflects the roles of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

This qualification (or the skill sets derived from units of competency within it) is also suitable preparation for those engaged in the delivery of training and assessment of competence in a workplace context, as a component of a structured VET program.

The volume of learning of a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40116) is typically six months to two years.


This full course run by Southern Education runs for a 52-78-week period with students completing the required 10 units of competency to complete the skill set and a period for re-submitting any outstanding assessments at the end of the course.

What does a student need access to complete units in this course:

To complete all requirements of this course students will need to have access to the following throughout their learning:

  • Internet
  • Computer
  • Resources
  • Three candidates/participants that are employed in a workplace to help gather information
  • Two participants to develop individual assessment analysis
  • Two separate groups of learners each containing 8 participants
  • Three separate learners to deliver training and assessment too.

Course demands

Scheduling can be amended to suit learner cohort requirements including further training if required.

This time frame includes all learning and assessment activities. It is anticipated the course length will be adjusted to cater for individual student’s requirements. The recommended/scheduled dates for online training, other learning methodologies and subsequently assessment can and will be adjusted to satisfy student requirements.

It is expected that a participant would spend between 5-15 hours per week, reviewing course materials and completing assessment tasks. However, this may vary depending on the prior experience and knowledge of the participant.

Course delivery

A blended delivery mode is employed including webinars and face to face training that will take place in Southern Educations training facility. Students will also be supported outside of face to face classes through e-mail, telephone, skype and any other processes employed by Southern Education to assist students. 

Face to face training classes will consist of groups up to a maximum 25 students.  It is however anticipated that an average class size will consist of approximately 15 students in attendance at any one time.

Resources for the course for will be provided to the student. Students will read relevant sections of the resources prior to delivery in preparation for the training.

Students may contact their trainer for support/ assistance outside of scheduled face to face contact times or directly to Southern Education if required.

The following techniques are employed during face to face delivery depending on the subject matter: 

Trainer presentations and demonstrations

  • Videos
  • Individual tasks
  • Case studies
  • Research
  • Role plays
  • Practical demonstrations
  • Group work


Assessment will take place at Southern Educations facility or on line depending upon the unit being assessed.

Assessment methods include a combination of written tests, projects, reports and practical activities (depending upon the definition of these tasks). Simulated workplace environments will be created during assessment tasks to create a as close to real life situations as possible.

Student’s competency against the unit of competency specifications are assessed throughout the course. Students are provided with opportunities for re-assessment if they fail to demonstrate competency during assessment tasks.

Students will be informed of assessment processes and methodologies pre-enrolment and at orientation.  Assessors will provide copies of the assessment tasks in accordance with the assessment schedule and discuss the assessment requirements with each student prior to them attempting each task.

The assessment in this qualification is broken into 6 clusters.

By clustering units together, we are able to streamline assessments to ensure you are not be over assessed.

Assessment involves a variety of tasks during and after the formal training component.

These tasks include workbook activities, practical tasks, presentations, reflections, short answer, multiple choice and selection questions as well as project work.

As this is a Vocational Education and Training (VET) assessments are practical in nature. It is expected that you will conduct practical assessments which will involve training & assessing environments with real participants and consultation with others.

Entry Requirements

Students must demonstrate they possess Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) to meet course demands.

A Pre-Training Review is completed by students during the application process. On completion of the Pre-Training Review, Southern Education determines if the course is suitable for the student and whether it addresses their learning needs.

Participants entering this program must be able to demonstrate vocational competency in their proposed teaching and assessing area therefore, participants must satisfy Southern Education’s entry requirements and will be required to complete an extensive pre-training review and LLN assessment.  Documentation supporting profession and experience will be required including a current CV.

Pathway Information

Training Pathway

Students who successfully complete this course may progress into further education including but not limited to:

  • Further studies
  • Diploma level qualification
  • Higher education studies – There may be entry requirements for this level of study that would be above Certificate II or III level.

Career Opportunities

  • Enterprise Trainer
  • Workplace Assessor
  • Workshop Facilitator
  • Mentor/Coach
  • RTO Trainer and Assessor
  • Lead Trainer/Assessor
  • Lecturer


Training and assessment will take place online and in the workplace.

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